No Credit Check Loans

Do you know how important it is to keep a good credit score?

It’s been a tough time for Australian’s in the past year with floods, fires, Covid19. Some of us have experienced a drop in our credit scores as a result of having to defer payments, missing payments, losing your job or even just applying for credit to try and keep on top of your finances. Banks and financial institutions will look at is your credit score first. This can be an issue if you need to borrow money to keep afloat. If its not looking crash hot, the answer will most likely be a NO…

Each enquiry you make further negatively impacts your credit score. Even if you don’t get an approval this will show on your credit file as an enquiry. 

Enquiring OR Applying with Project 1 Finance puts you ahead of the rest as we will look at your credit file without a credit check, therefore protecting your credit file. We do this by checking your credit file with an “invisible check” that does not show in your credit history. Project 1 Finance has an experienced team of brokers that will assess your application and find a a lender that will suit your needs as we have finance companies that will approve loans that banks and financial institutions wont.

Do I qualify for a No Credit Check Loan?

To start with seeing if you qualify, we would need:

We work with loan providers that offer financial products designed to suit borrowers with impaired credit scores, bad credit and other challenging situations. We recognise that you are more than a credit score
Our experienced team get to know you and your situation and truly believe every Australian deserves a go

Project 1 Finance

Your Finance. Our Project.

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For Your No Credit Check Loan

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Jan Smith
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John Smith

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Australia Wide

1800 713 462